Gods in Hinduism are frequently shown to have multiple arms. When engaged in combat with cosmic forces, these multiple arms become visible.
The depiction of Hindu Gods with Multiple arms in human form is the artist’s attempt to convey the gods’ tremendous powers. It demonstrates their enormous strength and ability to conduct multiple actions simultaneously.
The Multiple arms of Hindu Gods and Goddesses demonstrate the superiority of the Gods over humans.
What do the Multiple arms of the Hindu God signify ?
Each hand holds an object that represents the numerous attributes of its respective God. Some vacant hands are depicted with varied mudras (positions) of the fingers and palms that represent God’s attributes. For instance, when the fingers are pointing downward, they represent the altruistic nature of God, and when the fingers are pointed upward, they convey the protecting aspect of God.
The number of arms changes based on the depicted symbolism. Typically, Gods are depicted with four arms, each holding an object with a distinct meaning.
Lord Ganesha and HIS Multiple Hands
The Abhaya Mudra is a fearless gesture (Abhaya = fearless, mudra = gesture). In this gesture, Ganesha’s lower right hand represents his grace, blessings, and protection along the path of life. Holding an axe in his right upper hand, Ganesha represents detachment, which is to sever all ties. He holds a rope on his left-hand index finger to draw worshippers closer to the spiritual path. It is stated that Ganesha offers modak (sweets) in exchange for sadhana (penances) performed with the modak in his lower left hand.
What does God with Multiple Heads Signify ?
Occasionally, Hindu God is also shown with multiple heads. The above image represents the numerous parts of this God’s personality. For instance, when the god Shiva is depicted with three heads, the central face represents his basic nature, while the flanking faces represent his ferocious and blissful nature.